Call for Papers
The main theme of Rata 2025 event is ´attractive rail traffic´. The seminar program of the event is built based on the accepted abstracts. In addition to research and development projects, the abstracts can be presentations of theses. The presenting author can suggest the theme they wish their abstract to be categorized in, and whether they will be presenting in Finnish or in English. Delivery of abstracts has ended on April 26, 2024.
More information and instructions for submitting the abstracts.
Abstract themes:
The main theme of the event ´attractive rail traffic´ is divided to the following subthemes, which are the themes of the abstracts as well:
1. Digitalization and Automation
Digitalization and automation include rail traffic automation, automatic train operation (ATO), positioning technologies, utilization of artificial intelligence in rail traffic and equal topics.
Keywords: digitalization, automation, satellite, positioning technology, artificial intelligence
2. Sustainable Development
Sustainable development includes topics of life cycle approach, green change, circular economy, responsibility and climate change from both mitigation and adaptation points of view.
Keywords: sustainable development, life cycle, life cycle approach, green change, circular economy, responsibility, climate change, environment
3. Innovations
Innovations discusses advancements in engineering.
Keywords: innovation, engineering, technology, development, renewal, progression
4. Safety and Security
The theme of safety and security covers for example the safety and security sector, resilience, and cybersecurity.
Keywords: safety, security, traffic safety, occupational safety, safety culture, comprehensive security, risk management, resilience, cybersecurity
5. Ensuring Competence
The papers about ensuring competence should include the themes of the attractiveness of the rail sector, learning and sharing information.
Keywords: competence, learning, sharing information, attractiveness
6. Societal Impact
Societal impact subtheme discusses rail traffic as a part of urban development, day-to-day fluency, customer point of view, the theme of transition from road to rail and transport chain logistics.
Keywords: impact, society, urban development, customer, final customer, mode of transport transitions, transport chain, logistics
7. Urban Rail Traffic
Urban rail traffic includes the themes of tramway, light rail and subway/metro.
Keywords: city, urban rail traffic, tramway, light rail, subway/metro
8. Big Projects
Big projects cover for example current news from large construction projects and topics of expense management.
Keywords: project, purchase model, actuality, expense management, development, renewal, efficiency
9. Other abstract topics
Other abstract topics consist of all other rail field topics which do not fit in the main themes, their descriptions or keywords. Primarily, all abstracts are asked to be submitted in the above-mentioned main themes.

