Abstract submission
All the abstracts will be submitted through Ex Ordo (Conference Management Software). To use Ex Ordo for the first time, you have to create an account. If you already have an account for Ex Ordo, the same account will be valid for Rata 2025.
Via the link below, you can access the Rata 2025 in Ex Ordo and create your personal account RATA 2025 EX ORDO
If you need help creating an account, see Ex Ordo article on the subject.
Abstract submission in Ex Ordo
Abstracts will be submitted in Ex Ordo to a text box. It is not possible to submit an abstract as a document. Abstracts must be written in Finnish or English and contain maximum 500 words. Please note that it is not possible to have charts, tables or images in the abstract. The Program Committee reserves the right to edit abstracts for clarity and correctness of Finnish/English.
Delivery of abstracts has ended on April 26, 2024. If for some reason you didn’t submit your abstract by the deadline, please contact us as soon as possible: rata2025@tapahtumantekijat.fi.
Closer to the event, we will collect the presentation versions of accepted abstracts.

